Support Us
We are a team of two and we're currently living on public funding and our personal savings. Your support will go towards making ALL a sustainable form of full-time employment for the two of us.
Ko-fi is an alternative to Patreon, with less fees, allowing your contribution to go farther. You can also make direct transfers via the account provided at the bottom of this page.
To support us in other ways, follow our social media platforms and share content you find useful. Find Aotearoa Liberation League on: facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and our website at
Thank you for empowering us to be a part of a growing movement for change.
Nā māua te mihi ki a koutou, e tika ana te kōrero o ngā mātua tipuna, mā tini mā mano ka rapa te whai, ngā mihi nunui.
Bank Account
Reference: ALL + Name